Resources and Links

UC Berkeley Resources
Plant and Microbial BiologyHome Page for the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
College of Natural ResourcesHome Page to the College of Natural Resources
UC BerkeleyHome Page to the University of California, Berkeley
LibrariesHome Page to the Library system at UC Berkeley
Energy & Biosciences Institute (EBI)The Energy Biosciences Institute is a joint initiative between the UC Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is a United States national laboratory that conducts scientific research on behalf of the Department of Energy
NatureNature is a weekly international journal publishing peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions.
ScienceJournal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) which focuses on scientific research, news, and opinion.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the official journal of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), is an authoritative source of high-impact, original research that broadly spans the biological, physical, and social sciences.
Frontiers in Microbiology A peer-reviewed, open access journal in microbiology, virology, infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance & microbiomes.
The ISME Journal  The ISME Journal seeks to promote diverse and integrated areas of microbial ecology spanning the breadth of microbial life, including bacteria, archaea, microbial eukaryotes, and viruses. 
Microbiology Microbiology  is an is an international peer reviewed journal that covers a wide range of problems in the areas of fundamental and applied microbiology.
Environmental Science & Technology ES&T is an impactful environmental science and technology research journal that aims to be transformational and direction-setting, publishing rigorous and robust papers for a multidisciplinary and diverse audience of scientists, policy makers and the broad environmental community. 
Energy & Fuels Energy & Fuels, founded in 1987, aspires to publish the most exciting fundamental and applied research in the field of energy and fuels. 
ATCCATCC is an independent, private, nonprofit biological resource center (BRC) and research organization that collects, stores, and distributes standard reference microorganisms, cell lines and other materials for research and development.
DSMZDSMZ is an independent non-profit organization is dedicated to the acquisition, characterization, identification, preservation, distribution of Bacteria, Archaea, fungi, plasmids, bacteriophages, human and animal cell lines, plant cell cultures and plant viruses.
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)The American Society for Microbiology is the oldest and largest single life science membership organization in the world. Membership has grown from 59 scientists in 1899 to more than 39,000 members today, with more than one third located outside the United States.
American Chemical Society (ACS)The American Chemical Society is a congressionally chartered independent membership organization which represents professionals at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry and sciences that involve chemistry.
American Geophysical UnionThe American Geophysical Union galvanizes a community of Earth and space scientists that collaboratively advances and communicates science and its power to ensure a sustainable future.
Ribosomal Database Project (RDP)The Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) provides ribosome related data services to the scientific community, including online data analysis, rRNA derived phylogenetic trees, and aligned and annotated rRNA sequences.
Web of ScienceWeb of Knowledge/Web of Science is an academic citation indexing and search service, which is combined with web linking and is provided by Thomson Reuters.
PBS NOVA Special “Mars”NOVA goes behind the scenes of the latest NASA missions to the Red Planet to reveal new clues and challenges on the road to answering this ultimate question.
Funding Opportunities
COS PivotTool for discovering funding opportunities and supporting collaboration in the research development field. Designed for faculty, staff researchers, and graduate students.
Steroids Canada with Anabolic Direct have been working together for 3 years. The department of plant and microbial biology are close partners.